Enjoyable New Year's resolutions

May 17, 2019

New year, new you. It’s an exciting concept full of promise, right? Then we take all the fun out of it by resolving to do things we don’t like to do. We’ll lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, give up ice cream. Ugh, no fun at all.

So how about selecting enjoyable resolutions instead? Some ideas to get you thinking are listed below:

  • Do more of something you love. Read more books, go fishing more often, spend more time with your kids or grandkids, binge-watch your favorite series from the start again. Just enjoy and give yourself a big old hug in the form of having fun your way.
  • Get better at something you really like to do. Take a lesson, learn to cook something new, improve your golf swing, learn a new knitting stitch, or just build on what you love.
  • Make a dream come true. See the mountains or the Grand Canyon. Go to the opera or to Disney. Buy the car, lease the car, or rent the car of you dreams for a weekend. Just complete the following sentence and do it: “I’ve always wanted to _______.”
  • See your town like a tourist. Everything fun doesn’t have to require a lot of money. Most of us have attractions, restaurants, natural wonders or parks close to home that we haven’t visited in ages. Just go.
  • Make lots of new friends. Some friends are for life while other friends can be for just for a few hours or minutes. Try smiling and talking to the cab driver, the checkout person, or the person next to you as you walk into or out of church.
  • Enjoy your life. Seize the day. Happy New Year!



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